On this page we’ll list posts from our guests as time goes on.

Identity and Cosmic Consciousness

In this talk given during a teaching event in New York City, Jeff Carreira speaks about how conditioned we are to see ourselves as separate entities wedded to physical bodies. He then guides a thought experiment that calls our fundamental sense of self into question and opens up a vision of our true cosmic being.

There are no individuals

Eric Putkonen talks about the illusion of individuality. In reality, there is no such thing as individuals. Something remains unseen and so we imagine a break or separation that does not really exist. In fact, there is only the Self. He also mentions Buddhism and the concepts of interdependence and interconnectedness.

Vishrant – We are Everything

Vishrant describes that which you really are in this Satsang excerpt: a candid talk about the Beingness, everything-ness and nothing-ness that we all are.